Wednesday, December 31



Tuesday, December 30






1. 如何还钱


2. 钱都花在哪里

找找看,有没有可以帮你省钱的信用卡。现在的信用卡都流行“现金回扣”,尤其是霸级市场co brand最普遍,又或者是添油回扣。我自己本身使用着Citibank-Giant卡,每次在Giant花费都能享有2%现金回扣,其他交易则0.50%回扣。至于添油方面,我使用Direct Access万事达卡,可在全国任何一间油站享有2%现金回扣。

报章上常看到信用卡天花乱坠的优惠广告,如果您看了有一点点心动,然后冲动,我劝您先冷静下来,把优惠的terms and conditions仔细的看一遍。确定了T&C,您到该商店时请记得再次和店员确认该优惠是否还有效。



前天有位朋友的父亲因心脏病发不幸逝世,刚才和文凯到他家“坐夜”。接着又到黄会元的Rest House Cafe喝茶。会元是我的小学老友,他学业可能欠佳,但是个热心助人的好人。刚才喝茶也忘了跟他交换电话号码。没关系,会元一直都在咖啡厅,一定会再见到面的。

12月21日我就放下工作,带着愉快的心情回家乡度假。现在,30号了,也是我的annual leave最后一天,该回去Klang了~ 呜呜~


Tuesday, December 23

Holiday mood

上个星期六,做了半天工作,我就回家开始度过我的漫长假期,yeah! 我工作以来从来没有放过那么长的假期。本来不会这样的。事情是因为九月我临时被委任出差,导致原订拿假计划被迫搁置,就这样累积了两三天年假。

星期六那天,本来打算把车放在seremban交给堂哥去处理修理的事。堂哥带我去师傅的车厂,引擎盖一开,师傅就看出问题所在了。原来是松脱的vacuum pump tube导致引擎抖得厉害!多得堂哥,让我省回冤枉钱,谢谢堂哥!

本来要修理,结果不止不用付钱,问题也解决了,心情好极了!我高高兴兴的开车继续上路回家去。该添油了,我到Shell去添30块V-power,宠一下爱车 :)

Thursday, December 18

收到HSBC寄来的Starbucks 10元现金礼券

我在十月份使用汇丰银行信用卡消费30块以上,所以获得HSBC所承诺的Starbucks RM10现金礼券。该优惠已经结束了。

Sunday, November 23


Confusing Chinese Names

Caller : Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan (anyone)?

Operator : Yes, you can speak to me.
Caller : No, I want to speak to Annie Wan (anyone)!

Operator : You are talking to someone! Who is this?

Caller : I’m Sam Wan (Someone). And I need to talk to Annie Wan (anyone)! It’s urgent.

Operator : I know you are someone and you want to talk to anyone! But what’s this urgent matter about?

Caller : Well… just tell my sister Annie Wan (anyone) that our brother Noel Wan (no one)has involved in an accident. Noel Wan (no one)got injured and now Noel Wan (no one) is being sent to the hospital. Right now, Avery Wan (everyone) is on his way to the hospital.

Operator : Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital, then the accident isn’t an urgen t matter! You may find this hilarious but I don’t have time for this!

Caller : You are so rude! Who are you?

Operator : I’m Saw Lee (Sorry).

Caller : Yes! You should be sorry. Now give me your name!!!======================================================
This is hilarious …

Why Chinese shouldn’t have Christian names:

Anne Chang => Dirty (Mandarin)
Anne Chin => Keep Quiet (Mandarin)
Faye Chen => Dusty (Mandarin)
Carl Cheng => Buttock (Hokkien)
Monica Cheng => Touching your buttocks (Hokkien)
Lucy Leow => You are dead (Hokkien)
Jane Tan => Frying eggs (Mandarin)
Suzie Leow => Lose till death (Hokkien)
Henry Mah => Hate your mum (Mandarin)
Corrine Tai => Poor fellow (Hokkien)
Paul Chan => Bankrupt (Mandarin)
Nelson Tan => Bird laying eggs (Mandarin)
Leslie Tong => Rubbish Bin (Mandarin)
Carmen Teng => Leg hair long (Hokkien)
Connie Mah => Call your mother (Cantonese)
Danny See => Squeeze you to death (Hokkien)
Rosie Teng => Screws and nails (Hokkien)
Pete Tsai => Nose droppings (Hokkien)
Macy Koh => Never die before (Cantonese)

Pass around for some laughter*

Thursday, November 6

CITIBANK-GUARDIAN cash rebate 5%



欲享有回扣,别忘了传短信至36700,内容是 SMS<空格>CS<空格>您的16位数信用卡号码

Tuesday, October 14


请查阅清楚Terms & Conditions





槟城的Open tender制度我很欣赏!林冠英加油!

Wednesday, October 8


好久没有搭飞机了.应该说是不曾搭飞机,因为上一次是我还未懂事时,根本一点印象都没有。这次为了公事,需要搭飞机过海到东马的纳闽岛,心情自然是很期待。幸好有mr chua随同和不时的提醒,我才不会手忙脚乱。我竟然把机场的普通商店误认为免税店,哈哈!

在登机等候厅静待广播员报告登记时间,一边阅读今天在公司收到的《商海》。机票是六点的,飞机果然准时到达。机场人员核对了乘客身份,走过一段有盖通道,步上特设的楼梯进入机舱。我选择了靠窗口的位置,只为了要一览浩瀚的风景和大海。请不要笑我大乡里,谢谢。飞机徐徐地驶入起飞道路,感觉到引擎突然加大马力往前冲。我睁大眼睛,不愿错过窗外飞快经过的景色。我专心的去感觉那冲刺带来的后座力。速度大概有两三百公里吧?!飞机起飞了,我往下看,看见一条高速大道,是elite highway吧,它变得那么渺小,哈!离地面越来越远,道路和建筑物逐渐看不清,只剩下绿葱葱的树林,是橡胶园还是油棕园我已分不清。飞了半个小时左右,我看见一道海岸线.原来我到了东海岸!一朵朵的白云逐渐遮住了视线,没东西看了。从美丽的空姐手中接过预订的nasi briyani,热腾腾的,味道还不错。

两个小时十五分钟的行程,飞机登陆纳闽岛。在Hotel Pulau Labuan订房间,柜台小姐问我住多久,我也答不出来,就让她写上OPEN,意即何时check out就何时结帐。

在纳闽岛上,所有物品都获得入口免税优惠,最大受益项目为香烟,酒精饮料和汽车。你知道吗?这儿的丰田威驰1.5E新车售价只是四十多千,和非免税区的八九十千相比之下便宜了一半。据同事说,外州人经常来这儿买车龄五年的二手进口车带往外州。一辆五年的honda city,车价32k,带出去另加税务7k,运至西马费用大概两三千,合计42k左右。


在纳闽岛发现很多不会说中文的华人。哦不,他们是原住民,有些是华裔的后代。你还会看见马来人毫无顾忌的在华人餐馆内用餐。我们吃我们的non halal,他们吃他们的halal,各取所好。这情景你绝对不会在西马看到。

今天放工后回到酒店跟接待处要房间钥匙,接待员说我是目前呆最长时间的住客,哈哈哈~ 放下了书包,我出外买些小食,适逢斋戒月,酒店前面有pasar ramadhan。在房间边吃边喝边看电视,到了八点多又饿了,再去酒店斜对面的餐馆打包炒饭。天啊,炒饭加个蛋竟然要五块半,还是没有看到半片鸡肉那种!吃到一肚子气!早前在附近的超市买了些瓶装啤酒,现在才发现没有开盖的工具。灵机一动,有办法了!方法就是把瓶口放在酒店的滚动玻璃窗的框架上,使劲一拉,卜的一声,瓶盖应声脱落,泡沫跟着涌出来,好像开香槟似的。




呆了将近二十天,终于可以回西马了。到了LCCT,在认领行李时差点被耍了。我跟着同机的乘客,一起等行李出来。后来有一些人走过另一个channel等行李,我看那告示板写着Miri就不以为意。行李出来了,但一直未见我的Equatron行李袋。我走过去问一个马来男子是否等着Labuan的行李,他说是!不一会儿就看见我的行李出来了,真是谢天谢地!换了channel都不通知一声,kanasai LCCT办事效率真不可恭维。

Friday, October 3


“Panic selling 只是 value added 的 event,不能长期帮你赚钱,也不会常常发生。

谁说价值投资需要看大量的年报的?反而是要多留意周围所发生的事项,寻找 idea。

我说过,你必须知道那间公司怎样赚钱,然后去留意影响它赚钱的东东。maybulk 是靠 bulk carrier 的 supply 和 demand (反映在 BDI index),所以要留意影响 BDI 的东东。supply 要留意 新船,demand 要看世界的经济。银行看 NPL,bursa malaysia 看cylical,产业看经济的景气。。。等等。知道这些才可以清楚的买或卖。bursa malaysia,ioiprop 和 maybulk 都是 cylical 的,要买也要会卖,没有所谓的长期投资。TNB 可以不用看。”

Tuesday, September 30



我打电话询问card center,客服专员说银行不能透露参赛者是否在10000名以内,必须等到竞赛结束为止才公布。

如此揾笨的伎俩,谁会受这一套?我就知道Hong Leong Bank不会酱好死给所有人现金回扣。

Friday, August 29


(吉隆坡29日訊為了鼓勵消費者多使用可復新資源及提高能源效益,政府建議,2000cc以下的混合動力環保整裝汽車(Hybrid CBU)免進口稅100%及汽車國產稅50%維期兩年,以讓汽車組裝商製造此類型汽車。


巴生谷人喜訊 - 快鐵2路線或延伸


5% Rebate at Tesco and Tesco Extra

Sunday, 31st Aug 2008

Enjoy 5% rebate when you shop at Tesco and Tesco Extra on Merdeka Day! Rebate offer is subject to a maximum rebate of RM50 per day per card. Rebate will be credited to your credit card account within 8 working days.

Terms and conditions apply.

Visit in-store for more details.


Wednesday, August 13

Free calls to all Maxis numbers , only on your birthday

From 1 August 2008, we’re celebrating you TWICE a year!
On your birthday, enjoy Hotlink & Maxis calls on us.

And on the anniversary of the day you signed up, expect a surprise treat.
To check your birth date and your length of stay with Hotlink, just send BDAY to 28888.

Saturday, August 2


Brewery Companies & Sin Taxes - The Debate

Its that time of the year as the brewery and cigarette companies (BCCs) make their public relations rounds to spread the news against any sin taxes in the upcoming budget.

There were no sin taxes last year. Following the windfall taxes being imposed on CPO companies and IPPs, it’s only natural for BCCs to make their case known before the upcoming Budget is finalised. Recently, in The Star’s business section, breweries in Malaysia cautioned that another round of excise duty hike could result in more smuggling and increased competition from wine, spirits and hard liquor. The article also highlighted that excise duty rates in Malaysia is already the highest in Asia and second highest in the world, after Norway (and I thought we were only tops in car prices).

The Defence

The sector contributes some RM1.24bil in excise duties, corporate taxes and personal income taxes.

It provides direct employment to over 1,000 full-time employees and more than 60,000 people through indirect employment where the industry provides businesses through distributors, packaging, materials suppliers, transporters, retail outlets, media and advertising.

They have been models of good corporate citizenry.

The industry has raised approximately RM500mil in CSR initiatives over the last two decades to help the community. It supports tourist-related activities such as the Rainforest Music Festival in Sarawak and KL Food and Fashion Fest, including the KL Fashion Week and the Malaysian International Gourmet Festival.

It includes public events to view sports-related programmes such as EPL and Euro football matches.

Victim of commodity upcycle

Like other industries, the brewery industry is already faced with rising costs as a result of the recent fuel price hike, electricity tariffs, commodity prices and rising inflation.

Additionally, costs of key raw ingredients, which include malt, hops and barley, have risen by between 50% and 150% in the last two years.

Packaging, materials and services costs have increased by RM40mil a year. Between 2004 and 2006, consumption of tax-paid beer fell by 14%.

Malaysia has the lowest consumption of beer per capita in the region. Industry growth is almost flat today which means that it took the industry five years just to get to flat growth.

As it stands, excise duty on beer in Malaysia is currently the second highest in the world (after Norway) and highest in Asia.

The price of beer and stout in Malaysia is one of the highest in the region. The industry witnessed three consecutive years of duty hikes from 2004-2006, totalling 50% (there was no duty increase from 2007-2008.)

Declining sales?

Any further increase in excise duty will be offset by continued decline in sales volume, thus Government does not gain any higher revenue. Using the consumption forecast model, when excise duties increase, beer and stout consumption will decline between 6.5% and 20.8% respectively.

If duty increases, Government stands to lose between RM6.2mil to RM29.3mil net income due to the lower sales volume.

The government had already increased the excise duty consecutively from 2004 to 2006, with a stupendous 27% hike in 2006.

Hence, any further increase in excise duty will result in demand destruction and net negative tax collection revenue to government coffers. Between 1997 and 2007, per capita consumption of beer had fallen whenever excise duty was raised.

While the drinking population in Malaysia (non-Muslims aged 20+) has increased from 3.9 million in 1990 to 6.2 million in 2007, per capita consumption has dropped from 30.1 litres to 19.9 litres. When excise duty is raised, the resultant effect is that more people will switch to illegitimate alcoholic products and compounded hard liquor, which is priced lower but has up to eight times higher alcohol content.

Smuggling activity

The Government loses RM217,000 in unpaid duty for each smuggled container of beer/stout. The industry estimates that some 150 containers of smuggled beer/stout escape duty every month and this translates to a revenue loss of about RM400mil per annum. To curb smuggling, the Government introduced tax stamps on every imported can/bottle to show that duty has been paid.

However, stricter enforcement is required as consumers can still buy imported beer, which is easily available at supermarkets, mini markets and sundry shops at below the value of the duties.

Various brands of cheap imported beer, with an alcohol content of 8% to 12%, are retailing at these places at only RM5 per can. Realising the huge potential of tourism, Hong Kong cut duty on beer and stout from 40% to 0% in the last two years. It has proven to be a boon to tourism. Let’s not forget that tourism plays a key role in the growth of the Malaysian economy.

The flip side

There are two sides to every story. Despite having the second highest excise duty in the world; despite retail prices being among the highest in Asia; despite the demand destruction cited, the Malaysian breweries are still making decent money.

Guinness Anchor is still paying 9.5% dividend yield and has an excellent ROE of 21.5%. Carlsberg (M) is paying 10.4% dividend yield and has a ROE of 19.7%.

Compare that with Asia Pacific Brewery (Tiger Beer) which pays a paltry 2.3% dividend yield and has a ROE of 15.4%. Fosters pays a dividend yield of 5% and has a ROE of 16.5%.

Tsingtao Brewery pays a dividend yield of just 1.5% and has a ROE of 14.9%. Anheuser Busch pays a dividend yield of 2.1% and has a ROE of 80.4%. Kirin Brewery pays a dividend yield of 1.5% and a ROE of 10%.

That said, the strong dividend policies for these two Malaysian companies is largely driven by the government policies.

Most profits are repatriated back to holding companies as investment in growth is pretty limited considering the current Malaysian political landscape.

These companies can’t use the profits to fund growth regionally because of the strict Malaysian policies. By right, Guinness Anchor and Carlsberg (M) could have been the platform to invest into other operations in Asia.

These two companies if treated like other companies, would have tripled their market capitalisation over the last 10 years if the dividends were reinvested. But who would do that with the aggressive excise tax hikes?

Hence both companies are mainly dividend plays when they could have been so much more.

Many will say sin taxes are good for the economy. You may punish these companies to a certain extent as these are not necessarily desirable products (including gaming and cigarettes). You may even say there are additional costs to society due to people consuming these products (drink-driving, smoking related diseases, etc.) However, we live in a society where we should respect others’ lifestyles, even when we do not agree.

The additional social and medical costs is a good counter argument but these products are not illegal. In the same way, I would consider luxury brand items as frivolous and a waste of resources. But can we tax these products 200% or 500%? Where do we draw the line?

Government officials need to sit down with these industry players and think of ways to encourage investment rather than repatriation of profits. That is a lot of opportunity cost to the nation.

Similarly, for gaming companies, where extremely high taxes have opened a huge market for illegal bookmakers in 4D draws and horse betting. It is commonly perceived that the turnover for illegal 4D and horse betting is about 20x-30x the actual turnover at legal counters. JUst working together to reclaim 20% of the illegal activity would have boosted tax collection 100% to 200% more!

Global practice has proven that where taxes for gaming is low, it automatically curbs the “spread” of illegal bookmakers.

Bottom line – the government ought to work more closely with these companies with the aim of promoting efficiency and maximising tax collection for the overall economic and social well being of the nation. The failure to engage these companies will mean creating a huge underground and illegal economy for the country.

Friday, July 25

Thieves now targeting old cars

KLANG: Old cars have become the target of thieves with at least 12 such vehicles stolen in the past week.

Klang district police chief Asst Comm Mohammad Mat Yusop said that the cars, which were more than 20 years old of models including Nissan and Toyota, were reported missing from Kapar, Meru and Klang town almost daily.

“We believe it is the job of the same group of people and they usually steal cars from housing estates and parking areas.

“We are still investigating why there is a sudden rise in old car theft but we suspect that the car parts could be the reason,” he told reporters at his office here yesterday.

The stolen cars were worth about RM2,000 each, he added.

我就只有这么一辆旧车(爸妈给的),真的很怕会被偷 @.@

Monday, July 21

Saturday, July 19

Mileage claim revised upwards!!!yeah!!!

今天经过公司的布告栏,看到一个很醒目的字眼——mileage claim。经过一番详细的阅读,原来大家期盼已久的汽油津贴终于增加了!本来每公里60仙,现在是80仙,涨幅33.33% (汽油价格涨幅43%),7月1日开始生效。


Saturday, July 12

千万不要用Hong Leong Online来买reload coupon!!!

我刚刚log in HL Online买了RM10的italk mobile reload coupon。然后我就照着code来输入,怎知道italk说我的密码无效!!!

KNS!!!无效?!我马上就打电话投诉hong leong,他们说会调查,会调查,可是我的十块钱就不翼而飞了?!我警告他,如果Hong Leong不打算赔偿这十块钱,我即刻就boycott 丰隆银行!停止使用丰隆信用卡!停止使用HL Ebroking!什么award-winning online banking system,全部都是狗屁!

Friday, July 11

Second hand Nokia E61 RM500 worth o not?

想找一架比较好的机,过时机款无所谓,最重要实用和便宜。刚好同事买了新机(Nokia E71),所以手上的E61失宠了,问我要不要“接手”,卖我500块。我上网查询过了,这架E61二手都还要八百到一千块不等。同事是个很照顾手机的人,这个我非常清楚。

Company visit to showroom

身为Guocera Tile Industries的子公司职员,竟然从未到过自家Showroom参观,直到上个月尾!



Wednesday, June 4

Strongest commodity at the moment

Price is well supported by dynamic 100d moving average. MACD that keeps making higher lows and higher highs implies a superior uptrend since February this year. What more fascinating (some ppl say frightening), is that the momentum has no bearish sign yet!!! OMG !!!


刚才在平时光顾的小炒摊子打包宫保鸡丁饭,付了四块钱直接回房间冲茶慢慢叹~ 打开饭盒,多了一个煎蛋,是auntie私人“醒”的吗??哈!今天赚到了!

Sunday, June 1

Gardenia vs High5

为什么?看看包装上的nutritional facts你就知道答案了 ^.^
况且,我在99speed mart买还有额外折扣呢!才RM2.85 :P

Friday, May 30


You cannot help but get very suspicious of the whole Grand Saga-Bandar Mahkota Cheras crisis. After the recent police brutality I thought it won’t happen again, well at least not so soon, but how wrong I was. It was just like those Bollywood movie whereby the tyranny of the rich crossed all the boundaries, the thugs or gangsters were bought with money and the worse thing was even the police was part of the team.

When I was young my mum always reminded me to get far away from any fight-scene and never be busy-body trying to find out what was the excitement about. Can’t blame her though as she is a living testimony of the
May 13 incident. I guess that was exactly what happened to the innocent Chang Jiun Haur, 21, for allegedly running over FRU personnel (reported MalaysiaKini). The curiosity–seeker was at the wrong place at the wrong time when he was stopped and surrounded and then beaten till he was “soaked in his own blood” by some 20 policemen (or thugs?). What the heck, you simply can’t differentiate gangsters from the policemen nowadays, can you? Luckily the policemen didn’t drag and gang-rape his sister who was inside the car at that time.

Police’s brutality continues

A high-ranking police officer at the scene claimed that Chang had run over a FRU personnel with his car.

“He asked for it. He ran over a policeman and he got what he deserved,” the officer told Malaysiakini a few minutes after the

Asked to identify the person who was hit by the car, the officer had initial difficulty in persuading the individual to come forward.

When he did so, the man - who appeared unscathed - claimed: “He tried to run me over … look at my baton, it is broken. What more evidence do you want?”

I thought such brutality could only happen once in a blue moon in U.S. where the white policemen would beat the hell out of black guys. Not that I’m racists but that’s what I watched although I’m pretty sure those are isolated cases. But to have such brutality in Malaysia, the country which the PM screamed was the peaceful nation ever created on planet earth? Don’t you feel insecure and confuse of what is happening in this country when the PM, the Deputy PM and all the Ministers are damn quiet about the brutality as if it never happens?

What happened as reported?

According to
theStar, a fracas ensued at about 7.15pm when a group of unidentified men armed with sticks and helmets attacked the residents. Several residents were taken to hospital. Also injured was a photographer from Utusan Malaysia, Roy Azis Abdul Aziz, who was beaten up when he tried to snap some photographs.

Grand Saga ThugsThe group of men sat on the blocks, not allowing the residents to remove them and threatened to attack those who tried to go near the barricade. However, the group disappeared when the police arrived later. Cool, you have a group of readily-armed thugs threaten to beat up residents and the police couldn’t catch even one of them until this hour. And what did the Kajang OCPD Asst Comm Shakaruddin Che Mood said when asked why police didn’t help? His men were busy diverting traffic because it was more important than to guard the lifes of innocent people. Shouldn’t this guy be rewarded with a medal?

Grand Saga innocent beaten upOf course the Grand Saga spokeman responsed in lighting speed that the company has nothing to do with those thugs or gangsters. Sure, and we’re suppose to believe those thugs have nothing better to do than to guard the concreate slabs not belonging to them? How come I smell something fishy with this Grand Saga’s executive director who happened to be the former Dang Wangi Police Chief?

Why the residents are so crazy to get rid of the barricades?

The whole crisis is quite simple. The toll concessionaire Grand Saga is simply too greedy to suck the money out of motorists and the residents of Bandar Mahkota Cheras are furious that they are being forced to travel another 6.7 km (one way) just to pay the RM0.90 toll to go to Kuala Lumpur. Despite an access road connecting Mahkota Cheras town-ship to the Cheras-Kajang highway built by Lion Diversified Holdings Berhad, Grand Saga decided that the only way to collect more money from tolls was to block the road, forcing the residents to make a huge merry go-round.

Grand Saga BMC MapGrand Saga Toll RateThere are two tolls on the 11.5km Cheras-Kajang highway, RM1.00 at the 9th-mile toll plaza and RM0.90 at the 11th-mile toll plaza. The short-cut (shorter 1.5km route) have great impact on Grand Plaza's toll collection at the 11th mile but not on the first toll located at the 9th mile of the highway hence the crisis. Can you see the tyranny at works here?

Grand Saga and Taliworks, a cash-rich company

Isn’t it strange that a toll concessionaire such as Grand Saga could be so powerful? What’s the relationship between Grand Saga and Taliworks and who’re the bosses? Taliworks Corporation Berhad (KLSE: TALIWRK, stock-code 8524), the water specialist, currently operates and maintains the Sungai Selangor Water Treatment Works Phase 1 in Ijok, Selangor, and a water concession in Langkawi. The company manages six water treatment plants with a combined design capacity of 1,039 million liters per day that serve approximately two million people in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor and Langkawi, Kedah. The ambitious company is looking to expand overseas when its Chief Executive Officer Abdul Rahman Siraj said the company was seriously looking at four more water and waste management projects worth RM400 million in China.

Grand Saga ShareholdersTaliworks has also expanded its operations to include toll highway operations via the acquisition of a 55% (for RM55.5 million) interest in Cerah Sama Sdn Bhd (CSSB) from Bunga Abadi. Interestingly both Taliworks and Bunga Abadi have a mutual substantial shareholder - the family of the late Datuk Lim Ah Bak (The son, Lim Chee Meng, is Taliworks executive Director) who was the business partner of Abdul Hamid Pawanteh, the former Perlis Menteri Besar (Chief Minister).The company is cash-rich after it has successfully raised RM225 million of convertible bonds for business expansion purposes. Locally the company is banging on the Pahang-Selangor inter-state raw water transfer project, which it hopes to secure. So, Mr Chief Minister of Selangor, you have your trump cards to play here.

There’s another big-gun who’s the majority shareholder in Grand Saga, National Front’s (Barisan Nasional) Syed Sobri Syed Hashim, the State Assemblyman for Kuala Nerang. Hey, isn't that a conflict of interest?

Selangor government plays dumb?

Analysts think Taliworks stands a good chance of grabbing some jobs since Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Bhd (KPS), a subsidiary of the Selangor government's investment unit, Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Bhd owns about 20 percent in Taliworks. Gosh! Doesn’t this means the Selangor government is equally tainted in this Grand-Saga Bandar Mahkota Cheras clashes? Is Khalid Ibrahim, the Chief Minister of Selangor from PKR, plays dumb or simply that stupid to not realize this fact? What a way to go to milk motorists for another 20 years.

Grand Saga HQFor the financial year (FY) ended Dec 31, 2007, Taliworks registered an increase of 33.6% in revenue to RM191 million from RM142.9 million in the previous year. Net profit, however, fell to RM33.1 million from RM35.6 million the year before. Could this justifiable enough to suck 60,000 residents of their money, never mind risking the lifes of innocent people? However, don’t expect the federal government to do anything because it was their intention to play-up the tension – the dirtier the crisis blows, the better.

Grand Saga Big Bosses

Management Team:

  • Ahmad Ishak Haron - Managing Director
  • Chee Lean Thong - Executive Director, Operation & Administration
  • Zainal Abidin Ali (former Dang Wangi Police Chief) - Executive Director, Business Development & Corporate Affairs
  • Datin Lee Li-May - Director, Tender & Purchasing
  • A. Rajasolan - General Manager
  • Patrick Wong - Assistant General Manager, Business Development & Corporate Affairs
  • Paramjeet Singh Nahar Singh - Finance Manager
  • Nurashid Noordin - Human Resource & Administration Manager

Board of Director:

  • Ahmad Ishak Haron
  • Chee Lean Thong
  • Zainal Abidin Ali
  • Datin Lee Li-May
  • Dato' Wan Puteh Wan Mohd Saman
  • Minhat Mion
  • Lim Yew Boon

Friday, May 23

Direct Access Mastercard

现在,Direct Access Mastercard持卡者能够在全国任何一家油站享有2%现金回扣。


我去问老板娘,原来MPK来检举茶餐室的卫生水平 =.=

Tuesday, May 20


昨天我人在怡保。当我正在车里等着姐姐回来,发觉到这个景象很有“味道”,所以立刻拿起我的PDA拍下来了^o^ 照片原本不是这样的颜色的,我edit过了,哈哈~

Wednesday, May 7

JT International 慷慨解囊


在该季度报告中,营业额按去年同季上升了20.9%,达到RM251,322,000 。税后盈利为RM30,751,000 ,上升了10.7%。JTI said the increase in revenue was due to higher cigarette prices and improved sales volume. The increase in sales volume was driven by buoyant demand during the Chinese New Year festivity, coupled with successful trade programmes.

无论如何,烟草的隐忧仍然挥之不去:“The group anticipates a further decline in overall industry sales in 2008, albeit at a slower rate compared to the previous year,” it said.
It said the growth of exceptionally low priced cigarettes coupled with the rampant proliferation of the illicit cigarette trade would continue to exert pressure on sales volume, especially following the significant excise increase in July 2007.


Sunday, April 6

4月6日 DGATE 技术分析




Thursday, April 3



PER – simple but limited
The price-earnings ratio (PER) is probably the most common financial indicator used by investors. However, there are a lot of shortcomings in relying on just the PER to make financial or investing decisions.

One should also note that the earnings per share is based on net profit and not gross. Plus, it should be fully diluted, that is, it should take into account probable conversions into stock. “Trailing PER” involves taking earnings from the last four quarters, while “forward PER” uses the estimated earnings going forward 12 months.

One of the simplest and safest ways to invest is to judge a stock by its absolute low PER. It is simple as you have the low figure as a buffer and cannot go wrong by very much. If investing were that simple, there would be no need for data mining and earnings projections, or even analysts' reports. You just sort and search each sector according to historical and forward PERs, and then look at the bottom 10% in PER.

To add value, consider the sector and earnings outlooks. If these are good, then it's a safe investment. You may not get a big bang for your bucks from this investment, but it's safe and sure. If this works all the time, why bother doing anything else? That's because investing using low PER as your main yardstick will not give you market returns or better-than-market returns (alpha). If it did, all fund managers would use that exclusively and we would not need to spend billions on research.

Using low PER as a tool
You won't be the first to discover cheap PER stocks. Rule #1: There must be very good reasons why they trade at low PERs in the first place. One must fully be aware of the whys before going further. Try and locate all the negative reasons before jumping in. Reasons for low PER are aplenty. Some of the more common ones:
- Sunset industry, enough said
- Cyclical stocks
- Capital-intensive industries tend to trade at low PERs
- Erratic earnings
- Earnings may have had a huge jump in recent years, making PER low but not likely to be sustainable
- The PER is low because it is likely to go lower
- Not liked by funds for good reasons
- Third-class management with no vision or coherent strategy
- Jumbled shareholders or management using vehicle as their dumping ground
Steel stocks have outperformed enormously; cyclically, it still is a good time. It's the same with certain stocks in shipping services. Both are still cyclical stocks. This means their low PER may be upgraded but it won't run very far. Cyclical stocks do not have predictable growth in earnings further than three years. Get the timing correct, but also look for a time to exit. These are not for a buy-and-hold strategy.
- Low PERs usually mean “capital-intensive stocks = low returns on assets” as compared to those in the services industry. Low PER stocks also usually have very high NTA (net tangible assets) per share relative to their share prices. Conversely, high PER stocks usually have low NTA per share relative to their share prices.
This is because from an investing point of view, NTA only comes into consideration upon liquidation. Certainly, you don't invest in a stock hoping for the company to be liquidated in the foreseeable future. Take Maxis Communications Bhd. Its NTA is less than a quarter of its share price. If you liquidate Maxis today, it would be hell for bondholders and shareholders.
Paying for higher PER
A stock will command a high PER if its business model is scalable without the same proportion of capital investment. If you have a cement plant, you will have to fork out a huge amount of capital to expand elsewhere. If you are N2N Connect Bhd, you can scale up your business into the Middle East bourses with relatively low capital investments.
It is highly unlikely that if you were to find a stock at 6x forward PER, you would be the first and only one to have done so. When the timing and conditions are right (like in the last few months), low PER stocks will have their day in the sun.
Hence, PER is only a minor guide and should not be given undue weighting. Many a times, when a low PER stock is moving, it is not because of the low PER, but rather, because of a confluence of other factors, such as a sector or earnings upgrade, or that cyclically, it's time has come. It just so happens that the stock has a low PER.
There are many who religiously find comfort in low PER, when in fact they have carved out a universe of stocks for their selection that are largely capital-intensive industries. You might as well say that you would only invest in capital-intensive and/or cyclical industries if you were to embrace only low PER stocks.

It's not rocket science. An 8x PER stock could still go to 4x PER in a bear market, trust me. A higher PER stock does not mean that it will fall by a higher percentage. Some will cite that artificially manipulated stocks may also have high PERs. But that should not scare people away from them. Just do your homework.

The best way to use PER in investing is by marking them to their historical PER bands. It is more meaningful to use them within the same-sector PER trading bands.

It's pretty useless and shortsighted to buy steel stocks at 7x PER and tout them as great buys compared to the market PER of 14x. On the other hand, it's okay to buy a steel stock at 7x PER when its historical PER is 10x and because you like the market sentiment, sector outlook and the stock's fundamentals.
An alternative gauge
Owing to the shortcomings of the bland PER, professional investors tend to favour using the EV/EBITDA ratio. It's very similar to PER. EV is enterprise value and EBITDA is earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation.

(Enterprise value = Common equity at equity value + debt at market value + minority interest at market value, if any – associate company at market value, if any + preferred equity at market value – cash and cash-equivalents.)

Basically, EV is one way of trying to arrive at the net present value of the company. If a company has a lot of cash, the EV can even be negative. EV looks at the company as a going concern. It indicates how much the business is worth after paying off all claims. That's why cash in bank does not count.

Hence EV/EBITDA is a cashflow measurement or a payback period measurement, while PER is an earnings multiple ratio (or payback period in terms of earnings).

The former measure is superior because it takes into account the capital structure of the company. One can better compare using EV/EBIDTA as it can be adjusted for risk per capital structure of a company to get at the proper returns.

Interest and tax are external to real earnings, while depreciation and amortisation are not real cashflow items. Hence, you would get a better gauge on real earnings minus the peripherals. Still, even though it is a more sophisticated measure, EV/EBITDA also suffers from most of the shortcomings of PER as explained above.

Wednesday, March 26


今天下午我特地准时下班,去帮妈妈采购杂货。妈妈要买Glucerna SR奶粉,Nestle Omega 3奶粉 (或Anlene Gold,视何者为低),Ecobrown 糙米,以及St Dalfour果酱。Glucerna SR奶粉在上星期已经在econsave买了。
吃过了晚饭,开始我的“寻宝”游戏,哈哈哈~ 首先去Billion,本来Billion是有Anlene Gold补充庄的,今天却看不见,也许被人抢购一空了。看见Malta大减价,平时1.80,现在1.45,我买了2罐。我知道截止日期比较接近了,但是现在才三月,等到八月没理由我还没喝完吧?又看见Julie饼干特价!在检查截止日期之后,拿了一包, RM2.35。其他地方已经涨到2.50以上了。
然后就到一间药材店,我平时在这儿买糙米和果酱的。KANASAI,果酱起价了!本来7.50变成8.00,一下子涨五毛钱太厉害了吧?我跟老板说“隔几间的99MART才卖7.85,你卖7.80不就占优势了吗?“ 他竟然还态度强硬的说“我们来贵就卖贵,你要买就买”。我答“我看你是不想做生意了“,之后就连已经放在台上准备付钱的两包糙米也放回去原位,走过去99mart买了两支果酱。
我条气不顺,虽然你糙米便宜 [RM13.90],但我是不会忍你的。决定了,今晚要寻遍kLANG uTAMA大大小小超市,誓要找到ecobrown糙米。来到了另一间药材店,他没卖糙米,但有卖Anlene Gold。我看见RM31.00的价钱不禁眼前一亮,马上拿下一包,哈哈。不过他存货好像不多,架子上还剩下两三包罢了。
接下来我到Pasaraya Hup Heng和Pasaraya Kinta。两间是相互毗邻,竞争激烈。在Hup Heng没找到糙米,问过了也没有。于是过去隔壁,竟然被我找到!他的米库实在够大,存货高至天花板 =.=''' 糙米包装上没标价,我拿去柜台查询,原来和药材店一样 13.90。哼!终于“吐气扬眉”了!以后就在这里买米!至少这里买超过50块可以刷卡,药材店却只能用现钱。
** 我是不是很“师奶“啊???

Sunday, March 9

极品笑话 ^^

1、Pak Lah, Najib And Sami Vellu 同坐直升機巡視。
Sami Vellu 說:'如果我丟一千塊下去,撿到那一個人一定很高興。'
Najib 說:'如果我丟兩張五百元下去,那就有兩個人很高興了。'
Pak Lah 說:'如果我丟十張一百元下去,就有十個人很高興了。'
這個時候 ........駕駛員喃喃自語地說:'何不把自己都丟下去,讓兩千一百萬人都高興呢?'

2、Sami Vellu 希望提高自己的聲望,想要發行一款有自己肖像的郵票..... 發行過了一個多月之後,Sami Vellu 想要問看看視察看看銷路如何.....
Sami Vellu : '銷售情形怎麼樣?'
Sami Vellu : '怎麼會呢?'
Sami Vellu 隨手拿了一張郵票,塗了一點口水在郵票背面,便試貼在信封上 ....
Sami Vellu :' 這樣不是黏得很緊嗎?'
郵政總局局長: '可是......大家....都把口水吐在正面啊 ......'

3、深夜,Najib 去買宵夜,結果在路上遇到搶匪 …搶匪拿著槍指著 Najib 說:' 把身上的錢交出來!'
Najib 勃然大怒說:'你這什麼態度?我可是堂堂Vice Prime Minister 耶!'
搶匪:'喔,那……把我的錢還來。 '

4、某天,Prime Minister 、Parliment members...等大官一起參加一個會議,結果發生連環車禍,送至醫院急救,記者們聞風趕至醫院....
稍久,醫生出來了,記者忙著問'醫生!醫生!Prime Minister 有救嗎?'
醫生沮喪的搖搖頭說:'唉 ..Prime Minister 沒救了...'
記者又問:'醫生!醫生!Najib 有救嗎?'
醫生又沮喪的搖搖頭說:'唉 ...也沒救了...'
記者就問:'那 ...到底誰有救?'
醫生精神一振說: 'Malaysia 有救了!'

5、有一天Sami Vellu 往某家精神病院視察,所有的病人都站在走廊上高聲歡呼,Sami Vellu 萬歲!Sami Vellu 萬歲!只有一名病人面無表情,對Sami Vellu 不理不睬。Sami Vellu 看到了,問院長說:'那位病人為什麼不對我歡呼呢?'

6、一輛競選車載著Sami Vellu 競選團隊開到鄉村去造勢,不幸在山間小路上翻車。正在農田作活的老農民看見這情景,就趕到出事地點,可是車上的人都死光了。于是他挖了一個土坑,把幾個政客都埋了。過了幾天,負責事故勘察的警察找到那個老農民,問他那幾個政客到哪里去了,老農民說己經埋了。
警察趕緊追問:'他們都死了嗎? '
老農回答說:'嗯…,我看到Sami Vellu 在我埋他的時候大叫說他還沒死。'
老農說:'你知道的嘛? 這個Sami Vellu 從不說實話。

Saturday, February 9


在除夕之前就已经开始病到七彩,一直到现在年初二了,喉咙痛始终还没消退。晚上睡觉时又受不住冷风而反射性的咳嗽,咳死我了@.@ 我已经非常小心饮食,不喝冷饮,不(少)吃煎炸,haiz...


Saturday, January 12

电脑设备有色笑话 ^ ^

键盘说:我更惨呢!每天给人打。。 。
滑鼠说:我才惨咧!每天 给人摸。。。
光碟机说:我 好惨!每天给人插。。。
F loppy说:我更惨!现在没人插我了。。 。
USB随身碟说:谁有我 惨?这边插完就去那边插!一不小心 还要被感染。。。
Mother Board说:不要以为我被很多东西插会很爽,它们插进来后就都不动了,那才 是难受啊!。。。
最后。。 。。音效卡说:还说呢!明明是我插你,为什么都是我在叫?!