Wednesday, May 7

JT International 慷慨解囊


在该季度报告中,营业额按去年同季上升了20.9%,达到RM251,322,000 。税后盈利为RM30,751,000 ,上升了10.7%。JTI said the increase in revenue was due to higher cigarette prices and improved sales volume. The increase in sales volume was driven by buoyant demand during the Chinese New Year festivity, coupled with successful trade programmes.

无论如何,烟草的隐忧仍然挥之不去:“The group anticipates a further decline in overall industry sales in 2008, albeit at a slower rate compared to the previous year,” it said.
It said the growth of exceptionally low priced cigarettes coupled with the rampant proliferation of the illicit cigarette trade would continue to exert pressure on sales volume, especially following the significant excise increase in July 2007.


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