Monday, July 26

Engine Oil - FAQ

What's the difference between synthetic and mineral oil?
Synthetic lubricants are made up of molecules that have been modified under complex chemical processes and allow for enhanced performance under extreme conditions of temperature, pressure and forces. Mineral lubricants are composed of molecules present in crude oil that are separated in the distillation process at a refinery.

What is viscosity?
A liquid that has a relatively high resistance to flow can be described as viscous. For example, water has a low viscosity compared with honey, so in this case honey has a higher viscosity than water under the same temperature. A good quality lubricant keeps its viscosity steady under different temperature and usage conditions for a longer period of time.

What is a multigrade oil?
Lubricants that are able to maintain their performance in high and low temperatures are called multigrade. They are defined by two numbers. The first (followed by a W) indicates the lubricant’s viscosity under lower temperatures. The second and higher number indicates the lubricant’s viscosity under greater temperatures. A multigrade lubricant minimises viscosity differences under temperature variations.

What are additives and why are they used?
Additives are chemical compounds which, when added to base oils, improve the performance of the lubricants, protecting them from aging and allowing them to respond to all the demands of the modern engine. The blend of various additives is what sets a quality lubricant such as Shell Helix apart from the competition.

My oil consumption is very high. Why?
You would be wise to check for faults, taking into account the type of engine, its age and the driving conditions to which it has been exposed. Faults could be caused by a leak in junctions or seals, wear to pistons or cylinders, or deposits limiting the lubrication of some surfaces.

Does the colour of the oil mean anything?
The colour of an oil has no special meaning, but depends on a number of factors, such as the refining process and the types of base oils, additives and crude oil used. Oil may turn a darker colour after use because it contains a number of suspension particles – the reason for this is that oil cleans the engine of particles and other deposits produced by the high temperature combustion, keeping the particles in suspension to avoid depositing them on the engine’s surface.

What do the classifications and specifications on the back of the pack mean?
Lubricants vary in their use and quality. Some are only suitable for particular engines, while others can only be used in certain climates. Even two oils optimised for the same engine and climate conditions can have vastly different levels of performance. Universal criteria to describe oil performance and usage are therefore used.

Sunday, July 25




我们购买机油,除了要买最合适引擎的浓稠度(更专业一点,叫做SAE Grade)之外,也要注意机油的API标准。

相信各位有留意到,同样的SAE Grade,只是不同品牌,价格也会相差几块到二三十块不等。为什么?就是API的区别在作怪。

API的级别,有SM, SL, SJ, SH, SG, SF....越高的标准(如SM),表示该机油达到更严格的要求。因为最近才察觉到这微妙之处,所以我暂时只能在网站寻找机油的技术规格,还没去调查价钱。

  • SHELL Helix Super, API SL (Yellow bottle, no more available)
  • PENNZOIL GT Performance Plus, API SJ (Blue bottle)
  • ENEOS Super Asia, API SJ
  • SHELL Helix HX3, API SJ (Red bottle)
  • SHELL X100, API SG (White bottle)
  • PENNZOIL MGMO, API SG (Golden yellow bottle)
  • ESSO Extra Motor Oil, API SF
我本身向来信赖SHELL Helix黄桶装。直到两年前,这款机油似乎突然绝迹了,到处都找不到,油站也没卖了。当时看到同样也是20w-50的X100,就买了。虽然脑子一直在想着为什么会变便宜了(因为当时万物涨价),但还是倒进去引擎了。现在回想起用着X100的那段日子,确实好像比较“吃黑油”,一桶4公升用得刚刚好5000km,颜色呈深棕色。

后来有一次有急事要出远门,随随便便在临近一家维修店换机油。该店的机油只有独孤一味Castrol,根本没得选。呸!这是我用过最差的机油!用没到3000km机油就快变“黑油”了。最后是跑到4000km我又换回了Shell X100。

几个月前把车子送去洗的时候看见Shell机油的poster,才发现原来20w-50的机油“改革”了!由黄桶变红桶,名字叫HX3。我才买了PENNZOIL GT Performance Plus (API SJ) ,等下一次oil change就要派上用场了。HX3就再等下下次才试用吧!


Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) - defines oil according to its viscosity. Oil can be monograde or multigrade, depending on its viscosity performance at various temperatures. Multigrade oils are able to maintain their performance in high and low temperatures and are defined by two numbers. The first (followed by a W) indicates the lubricant's viscosity under lower temperatures. The second and higher number indicates the lubricant's viscosity under greater temperatures.
American Petroleum Institute (API) - classifies oils according to their capacity to protect the engine. The letter S is used for petrol engines and the letter C for diesel. The letter that follows the S or the C indicates the degree of performance and protection, with A the lowest and X highest. Some oils can be used in petrol and diesel engines, so their classification is stated as SJ/CF or CF-4/SJ.

Detailed information about engine oil grades can be obtained here.

Monday, July 19

BPURI 没有想象中酱美好

UEM Construction Sdn Bhd (UEMC) has won a RM997.23 million contract with Bina Puri Holdings Bhd to build a much-anticipated permanent low-cost carrier terminal (LCCT) at the KL International Airport (KLIA) in Sepang for airport operator Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB).

MAHB told Bursa Malaysia yesterday that it had appointed the UEMC-Bina Puri joint venture (JV), a 60:40 JV that was established in February, as the main contractor for the construction of the new LCCT.

Read more: UEM-Bina Puri venture wins RM997m LCCT deal

从以上消息可看到Bina Puri的盈利份额将是40%。
按照比例,Bina Puri获得的合约价值其实是RM997.23 million * 40% = RM398.89 million
现在我们来做粗略估计它能赚多少。我们从它的历史赚幅(Historical Profit Before Tax Margin)着手。

从过去16个quarter的PBT Margin取得的平均值是1.34%
假设Bina Puri公司继续维持如此的赚幅,那么,这次的合约能赚多少钱?
Profit from JV = RM398.89 million * 1.34% = RM5.345 million

Bina Puri total shares = 149,125,844 shares
As such, the contribution of the JV towards BPURI's EPS = 3.58sen。




Thursday, July 15






汽油、柴油、煤气 —— 终于涨价了

July 15, 2010 20:53 PM
Government To Reduce Subsidies For Petrol, Diesel And LPG
KUALA LUMPUR, July 15 (Bernama) -- The Government Thursday announced subsidies for petrol, diesel, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and sugar will be reduced as a first step to the gradual subsidy rationalisation programme effective Friday (July 16.)

Subsidies for RON 95 petrol and diesel will be reduced by five sen a litre and LPG by 10 sen a kilogramme, said a statement from the Prime Minister's Office.

This means RON 95 grade petrol will cost RM1.85 a litre while LPG will be sold at RM1.85 per kilogramme.

"RON97 petrol will no longer be subsidised. It will be subjected to a managed float under which the price will be determined by the automatic pricing mechanism.

"For sugar, the upward price adjustment is 25 sen a kilogramme, it said.

The statement said the minimal changes would help Malaysia achieve a position of fiscal responsibility and "put us on a path towards reducing our deficit."

"To meet these objectives, we have chosen to make adjustments to our subsidies," it said.

Even after these changes, the Government will still spend an estimated RM7.82 billion on fuel and sugar subsidies this year.

Fuel and sugar prices in Malaysia will still be among the lowest in the region, it said.

It said the subsidy rationalisation will allow Malaysia to reduce Government expenditure by more than RM750 million this year.

The decision to reduce fuel and sugar subsidies was based on the fact that reducing fuel subsidies would have the greatest impact on Government spending and reducing sugar subsidies "will allow us to promote healthier lifestyles, it said.








Wednesday, July 14

ATTENTION TO CIMB / Direct Access Visa Platinum Cardmembers



Tuesday, July 13

What spark plugs can tell about

This is what a normal plug should look like


This is how your plugs should look after they've been used for a few miles. Nice, grey-brown deposits, lightly coated core nose. Plugs are ideally suited to engine, engine probably in good condition. Hmmm, lovely!
Badly crusted plug

Heavy deposits

A build-up of heavy, light-grey sandy deposits.
Often caused by worn valve guides, excessive use of upper cylinder lubricant, or idling for long periods.
Carbon covered plug

Carbon fouling

Dry, black, soot-like deposits. Caused by rich running. Check carb mixture settings, float level, choke operation, air filter.
Oil covered plug

Oil Fouling

Wet deposits of oil. Caused by worn bores, pistong rings or valve guides. Sometimes happens briefly during running-in period.
Overheated plug

Overheated plug

Electrodes look glazed; core nose very white; few deposits. Plug is overheating.
Check plug temperature value, ignition timing, fuel octane rating (might be too low) and mixture setting (too lean). Rectify before piston rings break or valve faces burn.
Damaged electrode

Damaged electrode

Electrodes have been burned away, core nose has burned, glazed appearance.
Pre-ignition. Check ignition timing and plug temperature value.
Cracked or broken core nose

Cracked or broken core nose

Detonation or wrong way of setting electrode gap. Check ignition timing, cooling system, fuel mixture setting (too lean).
Lead glazed plug

Lead glazing

Probably doesn't happen with unleaded fuel.
Plug insulator firing tip looks yellow or green/yellow and shiny. Often caused by incorrect carb setting, excessive idling followed by sharp acceleration. Also check timing.

Sunday, July 11


Created 07/11/2010 - 20:30








前几天到爸爸的好朋友开的轮胎店换了两条新轮胎。当时老板不在店内,由儿子打理。本来想要Goodyear Ducaro GA或Dunlop LM701,但店内只有Yokohama、Silverstone、Sime Tyres。店内也有Bridgestone和Michelin,但那个价钱就... ...你知道啦。

Sime Tyres,听到的都是一面倒的坏话 —— 很快有裂痕啦、噪音很大声啦、割水性能逊色啦 等等


Types of Fires & Fire Extinguishers

This is the FIRE TRIANGLE. There are four elements that must be present for a fire to exist. There must be Oxygen to sustain combustion, Heat to raise the material to its ignition temperature, Fuel to support the combustion and a Chemical Reaction between the other three elements. 




1. Water & Foam

Water & Foam fire extinguishers extinguish the fire by taking away the heat of the fire triangle. Foam agents also separate the oxygen element from the other elements.

Water extinguishers are for Class A fires only. They should not be used on Class B & C fires. The discharge stream could spread the flammable liquid in a Class B fire or could create a shock hazard on a Class C fire.

Foam extinguishers can be used on Class A & B fires only. They are not for use on Class C fires due to the shock hazard.

2. Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers extinguish the fire by taking away the oxygen element of the fire triangle and also by removing the heat with a very cold discharge.

Carbon dioxide can be used on Class B & C fires. They are usually ineffective on Class A fires.

3. Dry chemical

Dry chemical fire extinguishers extinguish the fire primarily by interrupting the chemical reaction of the fire triangle.

Today's most widely used type of fire extinguisher is the multi-purpose dry chemical that is effective on Class A, B and C fires. This agent also works by creating a barrier between the oxygen element and the fuel element on Class A fires.

Ordinary dry chemical is for Class B & C fires only. It is important to use the correct extinguisher for the type of fuel! Using the incorrect agent can allow the fire to reignite after apparently being extinguished successfully.

4. Wet chemical

Wet chemical is a new agent that extinguishes the fire by removing the heat of the fire triangle and prevents reignition by creating a barrier between the oxygen and fuel element.

Wet chemical or Class K extinguishers were developed for modern, high-efficiency deep fat fryers in commercial cooking operations. Some may also be used on Class A fires in commercial kitchens.

5. Clean agent

Halogenated or Clean Agent extinguishers include the halon agents as well as the newer and less ozone depleting halo-carbon agents. They extinguish the fire by interrupting the chemical reaction of the fire triangle.

Clean agent extinguishers are primarily for Class B & C fires. Some larger clean agent extinguishers can be used on Class A, B and C fires.

6. Dry powder

Dry powder extinguishers are similar to dry chemical except that they extinguish the fire by separating the fuel from the oxygen element or by removing the heat element of the fire triangle.

However, dry powder extinguishers are for Class D or combustible metal fires, only. They are ineffective on all classes of fires.

7. Water mist

Water mist extinguishers are a recent development that extinguish the fire by taking away the heat element of the fire triangle. They are an alternative to the clean agent extinguishers where contamination is a concern.

Water mist extinguishers are primarily for Class A fires, although they are safe for use on Class C fires as well.

Wednesday, July 7

Classes of SD cards

在数码相机和多媒体手机普及化的时代,消费者对记忆卡的容量需求日益剧增。当您选购记忆卡的时候,您是否对于卡上面的Class 2、Class 4、Class 6之类的字眼感到好奇?我来帮大家揭开疑惑吧!

SD Speed Class/UHS Speed Class

Greater Performance Choices

There are two kinds of Speed Class, "Speed Class" and "UHS Speed Class."
As a characteristic of flash memory, actual transfer speed varies. Variable speeds are difficult to reliably record streaming content such as video because it requires a constant writing speed. Speed Class and UHS Speed Class provide the constant speed necessary for video recording by designating a minimum writing performance so that minimum and constant speed is guaranteed for camcorders, video recorders and other devices with video recording capabilities under the conditional write operation specified in the specification.
Speed Class, designated as Class 2, 4, 6 and 10, is designed for normal and high speed bus interface (mode) and UHS Speed Class 1 is designed for UHS-I bus interface*. (Speed Class and the UHS Speed Class are not compatible.)
*UHS (Ultra High Speed), the fastest performance category available today, defines bus-interface speeds up to 104 Megabytes per second for greater device performance in SDXC and SDHC host products.
MarksOperable Under...ApplicationsSD Memory Card
Speed Class2Normal Bus I/FSD video recordingSD, miniSD, microSD
SDHC, miniSDHC, microSDHC
4 6HD ~ Full HD video recording
10High Speed Bus I/FFull HD video recording
HD still consecutive recording
UHS Speed Class1UHS-I Bus I/FFull higher potential of recording real-time broadcasts and capturing large-size HD videosSDHC UHS-Iand SDXC UHS-I

UHS Speed Class Compatibility

Look for these logos when choosing a SD Card and host device

Speed Class Compatibility

Look for these logos when choosing a SD Card and host device

Fragmentation and Speed

The memory of a card is divided into minimum memory units. The host writes data onto memory units where no data is already stored. As available memory becomes divided into smaller units through normal use, this leads to an increase in non-linear, or fragmented storage. The amount of fragmentation can reduce write speeds, so higher SD card speeds help compensate for fragmentation.
The SD Association has specified operating conditions for SDHC, SDXC, SDHC UHS-I and SDXC UHS-I memory cards to guarantee the minimum speed according to the card's speed class. Speed logos are provided to help identify cards that comply with these specifications.

Tuesday, July 6

I lost my cat



Check your credit card statement regularly

This morning I as usual checked my credit card transaction record. I was shocked when I saw a transaction that my card was charged for an insurance premium and the policy is not mine! I called the insurance company at once to verify the policyowner (luckily the policy number was stated in item description). The Customer Service officer realized the seriousness of the problem and quickly looked for related documents for verification. All of the evidence have proven that the policy did not belong to me, and no documents showed that I endorsed the auto-pay. The insurance company agreed to credit the same amount of money back to my credit card account. I would like to advise all credit card holders to be very careful. Please check transaction record regularly to prevent unauthorized swiping!



Thursday, July 1



答复是:Windscreen (大镜) 不少过70%,后镜和侧镜不少过50%。


陆路交通局建议车主在确保该商店的隔热膜符合规格之后才安装,并且向商店索取guarantee letter,以保障车主的法律权利。


若商店拒绝这么做,车主可以以该guarantee letter为证据,向消费者仲裁庭讨回公道。