Friday, July 25

Thieves now targeting old cars

KLANG: Old cars have become the target of thieves with at least 12 such vehicles stolen in the past week.

Klang district police chief Asst Comm Mohammad Mat Yusop said that the cars, which were more than 20 years old of models including Nissan and Toyota, were reported missing from Kapar, Meru and Klang town almost daily.

“We believe it is the job of the same group of people and they usually steal cars from housing estates and parking areas.

“We are still investigating why there is a sudden rise in old car theft but we suspect that the car parts could be the reason,” he told reporters at his office here yesterday.

The stolen cars were worth about RM2,000 each, he added.

我就只有这么一辆旧车(爸妈给的),真的很怕会被偷 @.@

Monday, July 21

Saturday, July 19

Mileage claim revised upwards!!!yeah!!!

今天经过公司的布告栏,看到一个很醒目的字眼——mileage claim。经过一番详细的阅读,原来大家期盼已久的汽油津贴终于增加了!本来每公里60仙,现在是80仙,涨幅33.33% (汽油价格涨幅43%),7月1日开始生效。


Saturday, July 12

千万不要用Hong Leong Online来买reload coupon!!!

我刚刚log in HL Online买了RM10的italk mobile reload coupon。然后我就照着code来输入,怎知道italk说我的密码无效!!!

KNS!!!无效?!我马上就打电话投诉hong leong,他们说会调查,会调查,可是我的十块钱就不翼而飞了?!我警告他,如果Hong Leong不打算赔偿这十块钱,我即刻就boycott 丰隆银行!停止使用丰隆信用卡!停止使用HL Ebroking!什么award-winning online banking system,全部都是狗屁!

Friday, July 11

Second hand Nokia E61 RM500 worth o not?

想找一架比较好的机,过时机款无所谓,最重要实用和便宜。刚好同事买了新机(Nokia E71),所以手上的E61失宠了,问我要不要“接手”,卖我500块。我上网查询过了,这架E61二手都还要八百到一千块不等。同事是个很照顾手机的人,这个我非常清楚。

Company visit to showroom

身为Guocera Tile Industries的子公司职员,竟然从未到过自家Showroom参观,直到上个月尾!

